Flow Sheet Field Definitions

An asterisk (*) following the field name indicates a Required field in the Core SmartCare system. Your system may have been customized to require additional fields.



Vital History tab

<template> drop down list

Identifies the templates set up in the SmartCare system.

<time span> drop down list

Identifies the time spans that can be selected to display template information. Options are:

·        Today

·        This Week

·        Last Week

·        This Month

·        Last Month

·        Last 60 Days

·        Last 90 Days

·        Last one year

·        Custom Dates

Start Date

Identifies the start date for a custom date span.

End Date

Identifies the end date for a custom date span.

Left column

Identifies the Health Data Elements that construct the template.

Top row

Identifies the dates and times when lab or other results are obtained. Also, indicates the staff member's name who entered the information.

Graphs tab